Renton Prep's Students Leah & Welela WE Day Award
September 30, 2019

Renton Prep’s Students Leah & Welela WE Day Award

At Renton Prep, we are proud of all of our students. Time and again they have proven to be full of curiosity, intelligence and compassion, making it not only a joy to teach them, but a pleasure to watch them grow. Our students have participated in regional and national seminars showcasing their abilities. From 2018 SXSW and Hack the Classroom to STEM Summit 5.0, Renton Prep students are sharing their knowledge and passion with others.

This is why we are so proud of Leah and Welala who were recognized for the 2018 WE Day Award.

Thousands of Cheering Admirers

In front of a stadium of 18,000 people, Leah and Welala were awarded the 2018 WE Day Award for their positive influence on the world around them and for choosing kindness. This WE Day event is special for students around the globe. To attend, students must earn a spot by engaging in one local action and one global action through a WE school. These actions are meant to inspire compassion and promote kindness while encouraging students to become active leaders.

Two Renton Prep Students Rise Above

Leah and Welala were honored to be recognized by WE. In their own words:

“Renton Prep has benefited us in many ways; and it’s given us opportunities that helped us share our voices and speak to many people. Going to these conferences like Hack the Classroom would have been complicated or not even possible by ourselves. Although, through Ms. Zimmerman’s help, we were able to go to these conferences in New York and Texas which allowed us to slowly reach and receive the GenWE award. Overall, the steps to be able to accomplish these opportunities were complicated but were simplified through our teacher’s and school’s help.”

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Recognized & Celebrated

WE Day is a fun event that draws the support of A-List celebrities and personalities. This year, for instance, Leah and Welala got to meet Olympic Gold Medalist Laurie Hernandez and movie actor Jacob Tremblay. Past events have included talks by people such as Magic Johnson and Demi Lovato. This attention further demonstrates how impactful an organization like WE can be and how much students can make a difference.

To find out more about WE Day, please click here. To find out more about Renton Prep, our students and faculty, please contact us today.