Amanuel Nega Presents on C# Programming
December 30, 2019

Student Amanuel Nega Presents on C# Programming

At Renton Prep, we love to highlight our students on their special achievements. Not only is it a pleasure to educate young, driven, and passionate young adults; but it is an honor to commemorate them for their humility and hard work. In this article, we’d like to shed light on 6th grader Amanuel Nega who presented on C# programming to his peers on December 12th.

C# Programming

C# programming is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses strong typing, object-oriented, and component-oriented programming disciplines. From one student to another, it was a great learning opportunity for everyone involved. We are so proud of Amanuel for using his voice to help educate those around him, students in 9th and 10th grades.

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Helping Students Learn

On his own time, Amanuel has been working on C# programming and asking for mentorship from Mr. Nearman, our computer science instructor. Whenever Amanuel finished class early, he dedicated his time to learning more about the Microsoft tool. Notably, Amanuel presented a proposal to Dr. Michelle Zimmerman to share all of what he’s learned in the past 3 months. It is an excellent way to experience leadership and teaching. Amanuel’s act of bravery allowed him to practice public speaking in front of older students. Additionally, he was able to help students with problem solving while also receiving valuable feedback on his presentation. The opportunity was a first step experience before Amanuel went on to present it to his own peers during the “Hour of Code.” We would like to commend Amanuel for his exemplary work! In his own words, he presents his thoughts on the overall experience, see below.

Amanuel Nega

I really love coding. In fact, it has sparked my interest because it was part of one of my favorite things to do during my free time: video games. Because I was always hooked to video games, I wanted to know how they worked and how they were made. So, I figured out that coding is what puts all the pieces together. It is all the algorithms that tell the computer or device what to do, and I wanted to be able to do that. So, I started coding. Finding out about coding was the challenge I’d been waiting for the whole time. Therefore, I was willing to learn more.

Renton Prep Provides Resources

When I came to Renton Prep Christian School, I was lucky to find one of the 9th and 10th grade teachers named Mr. Nearman. I went to him because I figured out that he was good at coding. Thankfully, he was able to set aside times for us to meet up together and code. As a result, I learned a lot of stuff from him. Mr. Nearman taught me how to tell the computer to write text, store things in a variable, and make “if’s” and “else’s,” which use conditions. This really got me riled up. Then, I thought about it and told myself,  “I don’t want to be the only one who knows this in my school.” I wanted other people to know about coding so they can enjoy it just like I do!

Sharing Passion

So, after having a conversation with Ms. Zimmerman, I realized that doing the presentation would be beneficial. It would help me practice my coding, improve my public speaking skills, and inspire other people to create something amazing using code too! Finally, I did two presentations. My first one was with the 9th and 10th grade class, who were great listeners. My second opportunity was recommended by Ms. Zimmerman. She said to present it to my class. Since there were some guests coming from to teach our class about coding in the “Hour of Code,” I thought it was a great idea.

Educating Future Leaders

Renton Prep Christian School’s mission is to offer a secure environment in a technology enabled, Christ-Centered school where students learn to use their voice to contribute solutions to the challenges of our global community. At the very core, we are educating our future leaders and preparing them to become leaders of this world. We are proud of our students and their efforts. Contact us today to learn more!