June 23, 2021

Stop Cyberbullying Day

Stop Cyberbullying Day is an annual event that brings millions of people together to celebrate and promote a truly diverse and inclusive internet.

Learn more about how you can take part in Stop Cyberbullying Day and protect your children.

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying done through electronic means such as on social media. Technology has become increasingly commonplace at home and at school, and as such, the rates of cyberbullying have increased tremendously. Many organizations and institutions are determined to stop the effects of cyberbullying through events like Stop Cyberbullying Day.

What is Stop Cyberbullying Day?

Founded in 2012 and co-coordinated each year by The Cybersmile Foundation, Stop Cyberbullying Day is a global day of digital awareness. This international day is recognized every third Friday in June, in which millions of people around the world are encouraged to show their commitment toward a truly inclusive and diverse internet.

Stop Cyberbullying Day hosts an annual event with internet users, brands, corporations, schools, governments, institutions, and organizations to demonstrate a successful and safe diverse online environment – free from personal threats, harassment, and abuse.

This organization spreads awareness and encourages initiative with statistics, events, training, and ways for others to offer support. In addition, they have sponsors and big-time supporters from industries and celebrities such as Samsung, MTV, Katie Cassidy, and more. Parents, educators, and other supporters are able to easily locate informative materials on ways they can stop cyberbullying.

Ways to Prevent Bullying

It’s easy to miss the signs of cyberbullying, that’s why it’s important for parents and educators to learn ways they can stop cyberbullying. When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior it sends a message that it is not acceptable. Research shows that this consistency can stop bullying behavior over time.

Educators can help prevent cyberbullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a cyberbullying prevention strategy. Proper training for educators and students is just the first step in creating a safe digital community.

Student Safety at Renton Prep

The safety of our students will always be our top priority at Renton Prep. This means both on-campus and in our digital classrooms as well. That’s why we are constantly expanding our education to better prepare our students and staff to fit the needs of our modern world.

To learn more about our teaching methods and contact us today, or apply for 2021-2022 enrollment.


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