Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars Program
December 3, 2019

Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars Program

One of our missions at Renton Prep is to make sure that we prepare all students to pursue their future as soon as they graduate. Therefore, by creating an all-inclusive, Christ-centered, and technology driven environment, our students gain knowledge, experiences, and lasting relationships with their peers. In the last decade, we’ve heard numerous stories of previous students who want to remain a part of our school’s mission. Whether it’s being a part of internships, conferences, field trips, or programs, we want to offer that opportunity to our alumni. Over time, we have received an increasing number of requests to develop an official program for Renton Prep graduates. So, along with Running Start, we are excited to announce that we will offer a new program, the Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars Program.

Running Start Program

Running Start is a Washington state funded program targeting 11th and 12th grade students. The overall mission of Running Start is to help students complete college credits before they graduate high school. This program allows students to earn a high school diploma and obtain their two-year college associate’s degree, simultaneously, with an option for a Direct Transfer Agreement between Bellevue College and other Washington State universities. Typically, students who participate in the Running Start program share a passion and devotion for learning. This alone prevents the common case of “senioritis” that occurs among 12 graders. Students who choose our school’s Running Start trajectory prepare better to enroll in the program at the beginning of their 11th grade year.

Running Start Benefits

Because Running Start is in a smaller setting with more personalized instruction and assistance, there is a higher level of support for each individual student. There are countless benefits that students experience from the Running Start program:

  • One quarter of Running Start = 1 year of regular high school classes. In other words, students receive more credits at a quicker pace. This means students will have more time to develop and build their personal portfolio for potential merit scholarships at a future university.
  • Students in Running Start stand out among other college applicants. Universities are looking for students who are diligent, persistent, and dedicated to their goals in school.
  • Students practice interacting with professors, managing work loads, and improving strategies for taking college-level tests.
  • The two-year college experience during 11th and 12th grades will prepare students with greater skill-sets and college transcripts.

Students will receive tuition paid for by the State of Washington for all college level courses. In addition, students enrolled in Running Start who’ve also completed Renton Prep’s learning trajectory through 10th grade are eligible to be a part of the Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars Program.

Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars Program

The ultimate goal of the Alumni and Scholars program is to accommodate previous Renton Prep students who still desire to be involved in our school between their studies as Running Start or college students. Being a member of the program allows students to share their voices with the world. In addition to officially maintaining connection with the Renton Prep community, students in the Alumni and Scholars Program can now be a part of professional and academic conferences as speakers affiliated with Renton Prep’s name in the technical, research, and global community. They will be able to:

  • Develop public speaking skills
  • Create their own conference proposals
  • Guest author blog posts
  • Attend WE Day events
  • Engage in continued Computer Science Programming
  • Engage in and speak with leaders of Ministries of Education

Notably, this involvement includes being affiliated with the first Cognia (formerly AdvancED) STEM Certified school in Washington as well as the first US K-12 Globally Recognized Microsoft Flagship School!


All alumni students who have completed the Renton Prep learning progression through the entirety of 10th grade and are enrolled in Running Start are eligible to become members of the Renton Prep Alumni Scholars Program.

Alumni and Scholar Flexibility

Above all, Renton Prep is aware that college workloads can lead to busy schedules. For this reason, we want to offer as much flexibility as we can for students. This enables more availability so students can be secure in their decision of joining the Alumni and Scholars Program. Also, we know that members are enrolled in college and schedules may differ. With the responsibility of adults, students are welcome to come and go as their time permits. In other words, members can be on site at Renton Prep as their schedule allows during hours of operation, having the independence of Running Start or College Students. We will not record attendance and it will not factor into any academic transcripts or outcomes.

Best of Both Worlds

Notably, being a part of the Alumni and Scholars Program allows students to engage in college learning while having two years of free college tuition paid for by the state of Washington through Running Start, and maintain a connection with Renton Prep community from 11th grade and beyond!

Bellevue College Partnership

At Renton Prep we are very excited to announce our partnership with Bellevue College! Furthermore, Bellevue College offers internship opportunities to students enrolled in the Renton Prep Alumni and Scholars program. Both Renton Prep and Bellevue College consider internships an important part of student development and career exploration. In addition, we recognize that the learning that takes place in an internship is valuable. Bellevue College interns earn between 1-5 academic credits, depending on the total hours they work at the internship. Then, they receive a letter grade at the end of the class. These classes are not in a Bellevue College classroom, but in an individualized program designed to enhance the internship. As part of the internship, students will:

  • Complete short writing assignments
  • Have one-on-one meetings with an Internship Coordinator
  • Build career readiness and a portfolio
  • Participate in leadership opportunities
  • Create a unique goal plan

Internships may last between one semester to multiple semesters depending on the student. This gives students the opportunity to engage in multiple activities and deepen their experience during the internship.

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Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

It is important to note that we do not guarantee internship and volunteer options. These will depend on our school’s needs for that semester. However, some of the intern and volunteer options may include the following.


  • Math
  • Science
  • English Language Arts
  • Spanish (required: fluent in Spanish)

Teacher Assistant:

  • AP Computer Science
  • Physical Education (P.E.)
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • Visual Arts
  • Music

Aid Opportunities:

  • After School Clubs
  • Leading music, technology, dance choreography (including costuming/lighting)
  • Video Production and Coaching
  • Seasonal Program Development
  • Social Media, Photography, Video Editing, and Newsletters
  • Designing Lesson Plans (project-based learning/STEM)
  • Yearbook Editing
  • Directing students to participate in local/national contests
  • Writing blog posts related to learning with your name listed as author


  • Guest Speakers/Campus Visits
  • Information Sessions/Coaching for students
  • Community Volunteer Opportunities

Renton Prep Makes Progress

At Renton Prep we encourage students to discover their own identity through an education based on Christian values while engaging in discussions from multiple perspectives. Critical thinking and problem solving help our students acquire the ability and skills needed to succeed in relationships and careers. Our Alumni & Scholars Program is an excellent opportunity for students to make progress in their walk toward success. Additionally, preparing for the Running Start program is a stepping stone to students’ future career. For more information about our programs and mission, contact us today!