September 8th, 2016 marked a huge success for not only Renton Prep Christian School, but also the city of Renton. For over 20 years, the chamber had recognized only members of the commerce, but this year the format changed. The Chamber of Commerce is the pulse of the city. Director of Special Events Ben Andrews and CEO, Vicky Baxter decided to put a new spin on year 21. The chamber recognized and celebrated a variety of partners in Renton this year and awarded Business of Excellence Awards.
Renton Prep Christian School took home the Best Non-profit award! The school was honored for the helping improve people in our community. The Renton Chamber’s mission aligns well with Renton Prep. The new leadership of the chamber wants to become a more integrated part of the community. The chamber is starting to re-invent and rebrand and this includes integrating Renton Prep Christian School into the city’s recognition of achievements. This opens doors that allow the city to reach out to include newer ideas into the community. This can stir and motivate people not only in Renton but also into surrounding communities such as Bellevue and Seattle. These changes will produce great minds to work at or create leading companies such as Boeing, Amazon, and Microsoft.
Dr. David-Paul Zimmerman, head of schools, when accepting the award, called upon the other nominees and presented them with $500 check. He thanked them for being involved and impacting the community. Just seeing that speaks of the character and humility demonstrated by Renton Prep. His hope is the leadership and students of Renton Prep will be able to make the community better. He wants to partner with the community, share, inspire and help shine an eternal light on the city of Renton. Business Excellence is training children in the way they should go. Renton Prep is honored to receive this award.
To see what is going on in the city of Renton (click here), or view the awards page from the Renton Chamber.
Schedule a visit to Renton Prep Christian School.
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